InHouse America

In-Depth Data Analysis: Kamala Harris' Tax Plans

By InHouse America Staff | Data Analytics

Published: 18:00 pm (GMT-5), Fri September 6, 2024

5 Minute Read

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Source: (U.S. Census Bureau, Brookings Institution)

Corporate Tax Increase from 21% to 28%

(Policy Positive Impact Potential)

This increase could result in a 5% decrease in profit margins for multinational corporations, potentially redirecting $300 billion annually back into the U.S. economy.

Source: (Congressional Budget Office (CBO), U.S. Treasury)

Insights: Up to 2 million new jobs over the next decade, particularly in tech and manufacturing. 4% more capital investment in domestic sectors like renewable energy and infrastructure.

Increased Child Tax Credit (from $2,000 to $3,600)

(Policy Positive Impact Potential)

Educational Improvement: 8% increase in high school graduation rates among affected families. Wealth Growth: Future earnings of these children could increase by $40 billion.

Source: (U.S. Census Bureau, Brookings Institution)

Insights: Reduced Welfare Dependency: A 20% decrease in reliance on social welfare programs over time.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Expansion

(Policy Positive Impact Potential)

Consumer Spending Boost: $20 billion increase in annual consumer spending. Small Business Revenue: 5% increase in revenue for small businesses in low-income areas.

Source: (U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA))

Insights: Job Creation: 300,000 new jobs in local economies.

Top Marginal Tax Rate Increase (from 37% to 39.6%)

(Policy Positive Impact Potential)

Investment Shift: 3% increase in long-term investments in sectors such as clean energy. Job Growth: Potential creation of 500,000 new jobs in growth sectors.

Source: (Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Tax Policy Center)

Insights: Economic Impact: 0.5% increase in overall GDP growth due to more stable investments.

Green Energy Tax Credits

(Policy Positive Impact Potential)

Investment Surge: 25% increase in renewable energy investments. Job Creation: Up to 1.2 million new jobs in clean energy sectors.

Source: (U.S. Department of Energy, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER))

Insights: Emission Reduction: 15% decrease in U.S. carbon emissions.

Impact on Small Businesses

(Policy Negative Impact Potential)

Job Loss: Potential reduction of 250,000 jobs among small businesses. Growth Slowdown: 2% decrease in job growth and expansion efforts, particularly among businesses earning over $400,000 annually.

Source: (U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA))

Insights: Direct impact on 30 million small business owners and their employees.

Reduced Incentive for Capital Investment

(Policy Negative Impact Potential)

Economic Output: $30 billion annual loss in capital investment. GDP Growth: 0.3% decrease in annual GDP growth. Job Impact: Potential loss of 2 million jobs in investment-driven sectors.

Source: (Tax Policy Center, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER))

Insights: Indirect impact on 1.4 million high-net-worth individuals and broader economic sectors.

Top Marginal Tax Rate Effects on Small Businesses

(Policy Negative Impact Potential)

Job Reduction: 50,000 jobs lost annually due to slower business expansion. Entrepreneurial Stagnation: 5% decrease in new business startups.

Source: (Congressional Budget Office (CBO))

Insights: Impact on 5% of small business owners earning over $400,000 annually.

Wealth Tax Enforcement Costs

(Policy Negative Impact Potential)

Compliance Costs: Reduce the effectiveness of the wealth tax, consuming 40% of the revenue. Tax Processing Delays: Increase tax processing times by 15%, affecting 20 million middle-income taxpayers.

Source: (Tax Foundation, U.S. Treasury)

Insights: Directly affects the top 0.1% of households; indirect impact on broader taxpayer processing.

Potential Slower Wage Growth

(Policy Negative Impact Potential)

Wage Loss: $500 billion total loss in wages over a decade. Consumer Spending: $100 billion decrease in annual consumer spending. Retail Impact: 1.5% drop in retail sales affecting low-income workers.

Source: (National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS))

Insights: Affected Population: Direct impact on 160 million workers employed by U.S. corporations.

InHouse America Opinion

Kamala Harris' tax proposals present well-known benefits such as increased revenue and poverty reduction, but their deeper impacts include significant shifts in investment patterns, wealth distribution, and economic growth.

Insights: Understanding these detailed data points provides a clearer picture of how these policies could influence the U.S. economy in both the short and long term, affecting millions of individuals and various sectors across the nation.

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