InHouse America

Women in Power: The Growing Influence of Female Politicians in 2024

By InHouse America Staff | Data Analytics

Published: 8:30 am (GMT-5), Wed September 25, 2024

3 Minute Read

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Women’s Representation in Congress

(Current Seats)

As of 2024, women hold 151 out of 535 seats in Congress, accounting for 28% of all members (Center for American Women and Politics).

(Growth Over Time)

This is a significant jump from 23.7% in 2020 and only 12% in 1990 (Pew Research).

Impact on Legislation

(Policy Leadership)

Women are pivotal in shaping legislation, particularly in healthcare, education, and family leave policies, with female legislators spearheading 75% of recent family-related bills (Brookings).

(Committee Power)

Women lead 15 out of 50 House committees, an all-time high, making up 30% of key leadership roles (Congressional Research Service).

State and Local Leadership

(State Legislatures)

Women now make up 31.1% of state legislators nationwide, with states like Nevada reaching 50% female representation (National Conference of State Legislatures).

(Female Mayors)

Out of the 100 largest U.S. cities, 26% now have women serving as mayors, a record high in U.S. history (United States Conference of Mayors).


(Record Numbers)

In 2024, 12 out of 50 states are governed by women, the highest ever, compared to just 9 in 2020 (Center for American Women and Politics).

(Policy Influence)

Female governors are leading major reforms in areas like education and climate change, impacting over 50 million Americans in their states (Governing Magazine).

The Surge in Women Candidates

(Historic Campaigns)

In 2024, a record 585 women ran for congressional seats, with 130 elected—breaking the previous record set in 2018 (Center for American Women and Politics).

(Presidential Bids)

The 2020 Democratic primary featured 6 female candidates, the most in any presidential election cycle (Public Broadcasting Service).

Diverse Candidates

(Women of Color)

Women of color now make up 46% of all female congressional candidates, a sharp increase from 33% in 2018 (Center for American Women and Politics).

(Breaking Barriers)

Historic milestones include the election of the first Latina senator and first Muslim congresswoman in recent years (The New York Times).

Public Support for Female Leaders

(Broad Support)

72% of Americans support electing more women to political office, up from 65% in 2016 (Gallup).

(Party Differences)

While 85% of Democrats support women in leadership, only 45% of Republicans share this view (Pew Research).

Shifting Attitudes

(Generational Support)

80% of millennials believe women make better political leaders, compared to just 55% of Baby Boomers (Harvard Poll).


77% of voters in 2024 say gender is irrelevant to electability, a sharp increase from 58% in 2008 (Pew Research).

Challenges Women Still Face

(Funding Gaps)

Female candidates raise 35% less in campaign donations than their male counterparts, a significant disadvantage (OpenSecrets).

(Media Bias)

Women receive 40% less policy-focused media coverage compared to male candidates, with a disproportionate focus on appearance (Media Matters).

Work-Life Balance

(Family Pressure)

62% of female politicians cite work-family balance as a key barrier to higher office (Rutgers University).

(Harassment Issues )

25% of female members of Congress have reported facing harassment during campaigns, hindering their work (Center for American Women and Politics).

Future Outlook

(Growing Numbers)

By 2030, women are projected to hold 35% of all congressional seats, up from 28% today (Brookings).

(First Female President?)

79% of Americans believe the U.S. will elect its first female president within the next decade (Gallup).

Global Comparison

(U.S. vs World)

The U.S. trails behind countries like Germany and New Zealand, where women have been leading at the highest levels for over a decade, with 42% female parliamentary representation (World Economic Forum).

(Closing the Gap)

However, the U.S. is closing the gender gap in political leadership faster than most other advanced democracies (Pew Research).

InHouse America Support Of Women In Power

At InHouse America, we’re proud to support women, who now hold 28% of U.S. Congressional seats and 31% of state legislature positions.

Just as women are shaping politics, they also lead 42% of small businesses. Our platform is dedicated to helping these businesses thrive, driving the future of the U.S. economy.

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